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VCR3: Bent - Non Soon CS

by Bent

$6.99 / Sold Out

Cassette comes with DOWNLOAD CODE.


I’m pretty sure you don’t know you’re weird. So Hollow.

Non Soon is the debut album by Bent - a wonky post-punk, three person band from the heat of Brisbane. An unusual violinist plonked on drums, playing sprightly odds and sods to bass lead songs & yip yap vocals, with swirling wiry guitar throughout.

Bent have power without cliché or hubris. There are warnings but then she drowns; songs about avoidance, and the article is the confrontation. Did you ever have the guts to say it to their face? There’s so much you can avoid if only you were to try.

Bent is Heidi Cutlack, Skye McNicol and Glen Schenau.